As God above, luck, the universe, whatever you believe in would have it, second try, prego. Boom! Preggers again… Now listen, I am not complaining about this whatsoever. I fully recognize how fortunate we are/have been to have this happen so quickly. I feel deeply and regularly pray for all those that struggle with this. From the bottom of my heart, I do… That being said, go to the doctor for our confirmation appointment. We’ve peed on a stick, waited the six weeks to come in and confirm our little blippy gummy bear on the screen. Then instructed to schedule our follow up for our hardcore intake appointment where they tell you all of the fun processes and additional testing required because I am geriatric and of advanced maternal age.
Now let me tell you another funny about all of this. First time around, my husband and I did all this together. Every step of it. He came to every single appointment; held my hand; heard all the scoop; full sharing in the whole deal… This time around, we’re in the middle of covid and I’m going by myself.
In the examination room and the next set of ultrasounds start. Signs everywhere that say: No cell phones, video etc… ok, fine. I’m a rule follower when it comes to doctor stuff so I put my cell in my bag. Lying on the table, gel on my tum, picture’s up… two blips… two little flashes of beautiful heartbeat. Two…. The doctor says: Ummmmmm…To which I respond in my typical way: you’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me. She and the nurse start laughing.. I say, listen, I see all of your signs and warnings, but if I go home and tell my husband on April Fools Day that we’re having twins, he will not believe me. The nurse goes in my bag, gets my phone and I video call him. I say, hi and just turn the phone to the screen to which he replies: hollllllllllly crap… I say, yup, so that’s where we’re at.. He says, well ok, see you when you get home…..
Honestly, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Laugh because of course this would happen, or cry because of course this would happen. Twins… For the woman who wasn’t sure she wanted kids at all at first, to the woman who didn’t want her daughter to be ridin solo: twins…. And so the journey begins…..