Happiest Baby on the Block

I’ll never forget our hospital stay after our first daughter was born.  We were brand new to all of this, I was completely exhausted, to say I was completely over the revolving door that was our hospital room is the understatement of the century. They say to get some rest in the hospital before you go, but between the doctors for you and the baby, the nurses for you both, the lab techs, the lactation people, the photographer, the birth certificate people, housekeeping, dietary, it’s freakin a lot.  I hated every minute of it. Truly did, but there was one visitor during that time that I’ll never forget… The pediatrician came in to examine baby B before we were discharged and he said, ya know, Can I offer you both one piece of advice?  I said of course… He said, go get yourself the book or video called the Happiest Baby on the Block.  One of my colleagues actually went to school with the author, Dr. Karp, and it will change your lives… Ummmm… yes! We didn’t know how much we needed this, but we did.  He talks about the 5 S’s that are so ridiculously helpful with a newborn.  It helped us navigate the newness and feel way more confident in caring for our new bundle.  Each of the tips really worked for us, and truly made a difference in the fourth trimester.  Highly recommend and it’s the secret I tell everyone expecting to be honest. Definitely worth the minimal investment.  
